Thursday, April 6, 2023

The Unicorn and the Lawyer (and the Phoenix and Pegasus)

    After THE HIGH LEGAL ROAD: A New Approach to Legal Problems was self-published in early September 1990, I hired a New Age publicist to try to get the book some attention. She introduced me to Gloria Riser, who published a monthly printed newsletter, Intuitive Explorations. Gloria told her readers about the book and I started contributing articles and comments to her newsletter. Gloria and I became friends and we kept in touch over the years. She posted on her Facebook timeline yesterday:

Gloria Resier


The Yin and the Yang of the Law...

Way back before the internet became a thing, some of my (now) Facebook friends were involved in publishing hard copy newsletters. Others were subscribers  and contributors to various newsletters.  During part of the 80's  and all of the 90's, I published three newsletters:  "Intuitive Explorations,"  "Tarot News," and "Somnial Times" (Somnial Times, being a zine all about dreams, dreaming, and related states).  Catherine Groves published and still publishes "Christian*New Age Quarterly" (remind me to resubscribe).  Another friend published "Total Eclipse,"  and there were others.  

Sloan Bashinsky  was a frequent contributor to "Intuitive Explorations."   He was a former Alabama practicing attorney and published author of three legal consumer books, when he had a vision in 1987 that he would write a book about practicing law in a new way - which was to recognize legal conflict contains serious spiritual messages/lessons that are missed if the traditional external approach is used. He wrote a book about that, published in 1990: THE HIGH LEGAL ROAD: A New Approach to Legal Problems. 

Sloan is writing a new book, THE YIN AND THE YANG OF THE LAW, which is being published as it is written, a free read, at The blog is part memoir, tales of a boy growing up and becoming a man during the 1940's - 1960's, in "Sweet Home Alabama."   Becoming a Lawyer.  Becoming a writer.  Becoming a Mystic, and, oh Lord! A Unicorn.. Where he's been and where he may or may not be going next with his life and his life's work. The stories he tells are ... memorable.

Sloan has long relied on his dreams to steer him, and his and my and other people's dreams foretold he would begin this new book, and he would reactivate his law license in Alabama and be a lawyer again, but probably not much like when he practiced law there before.

Sloan Bashinsky

Something must have grabbed ahold of Gloria.

Gloria Reiser


Eeeegads! While talking with Sloan just now, the King of Rods from a tarot deck just jumped off of my desk and onto the floor. The King of Rods (when a person) represents a man who has achieved his goals and dreams through long hard effort. Oh, but, Sloan was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. Don't assume a silver spoon is the best thing to wish for. 

    Meanwhile, I posted at a

The death of the Phoenix | Osho News

Apple Lawsuit Amps Up Pressure on Pegasus Spyware-Maker | Threatpost

I called the Alabama State Bar yesterday, April 2, and was told that just the day before they had made it official that I am licensed to practice law in Alabama, again. I asked about annual Continuing Legal Education (CLE) requirements, and was told, since I'm over 65, I'm exempt. It's been 22 years since I had an active law license in Alabama. 23 years since I did any CLE. A friend told me yesterday that Alabama is a great place for people to get licensed to practice law 😂.

While I might dream that being a lawyer again makes it easier to sally forth like Don Quixote toward near and distant windmills, hoping to right perceived wrongs and make things better, I think I'd be nuts to actually believe that 😎. Perhaps there might be small victories, but holding my breath for more might cause my demise.

I talked last night with a good friend, who has become active in his home state, about one of its members of Congress I keep wondering why lightning has not struck and gotten his undivided attention, after the first lightning strike (a bad car wreck) seemed to be wasted electricity. 

I told my friend, all I have been reading and seeing in the news and on social media and in face to face conversations with other people, leaves me convinced America and humanity are working hard on relocating their head to their ass. 

As for my friend and me, we are perfect in every way😇, and we hope you will vote for us when we run for president in 2024 on the Unicorn ticket. We will toss a coin to see which of us is the sacrificial V.P. 

Gloria Reiser responded to that nonsense:

OMG, this is hilarious. If you tire of lawyering, you'd make a great stand up comedy act. 

Though you might also be a storyteller like Garrison Keillor, maybe even Mark Twain. 

    Gloria lives near Hannibal, Missouri, where Samuel Clements (Mark Twain) originated. She emailed early this morning:

I didn't fall asleep until after 1am. Just woke from a dream and a separate spoken message that woke me.  

In the dream, I was attending a presentation by you in which you were teaching/coaching attendees in not only learning to seek out, identify and work with the spiritual lessons/ messages associated with legal situations, but life situations in general. The presentation was very interactive with participates questioning and then discussing their insights. Much learning/awareness taking place. 

As that dream faded, I heard a voice telling me:  "You (me) entered life as a Phoenix Rising, but are near earning Pegasus status." 

I am fluent in tales of the Phoenix and spiritual meanings thereof. Not really Pegasus except recalling old gas station signs with the flying horse. While they always stood out to me, grabbed my attention, I haven't considered the symbology.

The phoenix is an immortal bird associated with Greek mythology that cyclically regenerates or is otherwise born again. Associated with the sun, a phoenix obtains new life by arising from the ashes of its predecessor. Wikipedia

Pegasus is a mythical winged divine horse, and one of the most recognized creatures in Greek mythology. Usually he is depicted as pure white. Myths about him vary as the Greek myths evolve and reflect progression through successive generations of deities. Wikipedia

    I replied to Gloria:

My recollection is the Phoenix, to rise, is roasted in the flames, which in my experience is the ego and the mind and habits and ways of seeing and hearing get burned to a crisp and then burned into ash, and it's a whole lot of no fun, because it absolutely obliterates my illusions and delusions and just about everything else I hold dear and want, I suppose because I am blind, deaf and dumb, or just plain stupid, and ignorant, too. But I didn't find much interest in that explanation during my wanderings. Perhaps most everyone wants to be a Pegasus without being burned at the stake, so to speak. 
    South Alabama belle Maudlin Muse wrote to me:

Congratulations on officially having a license to practice law. Yesterday is ashes, tomorrow but wood. The fire of now has you lit.

    Heh, I feel on fire inside today and wonder what all I might have gone and gotten myself into?

    Meanwhile, someone posted today at a Reddit spirituality group claiming 265,000 members:

Does anyone else feel like they are not from this world?

I've always felt like I'm not from this world. Like I'm just visiting it. Like l've come from somewhere else, l just can't seem to remember where and why l've decided to come here ...does anyone feel like this?

    I wondered - Duh! - why it had not occurred already to publish in that group some of the new writing with links?

    I replied to the Reddit poster:

For all my life, I have felt I am from somewhere else and was stranded here by the Mothership. So, here I am, dealing ongoing with what all life on this very backward world (due to its so-called dominant species) serves up day after day, week after week, etc. Hopefully, I'm learning some new things and discarding some old backward habits and ways of thinking and seeing and hearing and doing. Otherwise, I might have to do this all over again. 
Meanwhile, I'm writing a new book on a new blog, The Yin and the Yang of the Law, a free read, about my early life and becoming a lawyer and then slowly and not much fun coming to view legal problems, and any problems, as spiritual messages-lessons, which tend to be missed, if the traditional outward (yang) approach is used, instead of the usually less popular inward (yin) approach. Here's a link to to the blogspot where I am writing that book..

    The response to my comment at Reddit was the sound of one hand clapping,

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